Danse javanaise [Javanese Dance], Jongleur javanais [Javanese Juggler], Lutteurs javanais [Javanese Wrestlers] (1896) – Alexandre Promio

Javanese dancers performing in Crystal Palace park, July-August 1896 – Lumière ‘view’ shot by Alexandre Promio

three short films, all less than a minute, b&w, silent.

Production :  Lumière, catalogue nos. 30, 53, 56

Content :  these ‘views’, as the Lumière short films were known, were shot in the Crystal Palace park at Sydenham, south London, and show members of a Javanese performance troupe performing for the camera, with their fellow performers as an audience.

They were shot by the Italian-born cameraman, Alexandre Promio, while he was on a visit to London in July and August 1896. Promio was responsible for at least a quarter of the total number of 1428 ‘views’ that the Lumière company produced.

© 2018 Paul Henley